Kainoa: If we're going to live together we have to learn to compromise.
Makani: Compromise? I like that word. What does it mean?
Kainoa: It means doing partly what you want and partly what the other person wants. It helps to make everybody happy.
Big Idea: By the end of this lesson students will be able to:
Harness improvisational skills to expand a narrative.
Work with their peers and compromise as an ensemble to build a story.
Materials: None.
B1.4 communicate feelings and ideas to a familiar audience (e.g., classmates) using audio, visual, and/or technological aids to support or enhance their drama work
B1.3 plan and shape the direction of a dramatic play or role play, building on their own and others’ ideas both in and out of role, with support
2. listen in order to understand and respond appropriately in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes
1.2 demonstrate an understanding of appropriate listening behaviour by using active listening strategies in order to contribute meaningfully and work constructively in groups
Read the above quotation from Kainoa and Makani. Discuss what it means to compromise. Ask how your classroom works together to collaborate and compromise everyday? This idea will be further explored in the following game.
Students sit in a circle and tell a story with a proper beginning, middle and end. Each person can only say one sentence. The next person takes over and says another sentence, adding onto the story. This continues around the circle until you have reached the end of your story. Make sure to side coach your students if they start getting off track.
Separate students into small groups and have them try it on their own.