“A junior bird watcher. Dedicated to the conservation and preservation of wild birds everywhere. And we like to look at them a lot too.”
- Sarah
Big Idea: To discover the physical and emotional qualities that make up a Laysan Albatross.
At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
Identify physical characteristics belonging to a bird
Use basic research skills to explore and investigate these characteristics
Make a pictorial representation of an animal
Materials: Laysan Albatross Fact Sheet, Junior Bird Watcher Worksheet, Laysan Albatross Picture, Pencils and a Device that can access the internet.
Language Arts
1.2 demonstrate an understanding of appropriate listening behaviour by using active listening strategies in a variety of situations
1.6 extend understanding of oral texts by connecting the ideas in them to their own knowledge and experience
3.1 identify and describe major physical characteristics of different types of animals (e.g., insects, mammals, reptiles)
2.6 use scientific inquiry/research skills, and knowledge acquired from previous investigations, to investigate the basic needs, characteristics, behaviour, and adaptations of an animal of their choice
D1.1 create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express feelings and ideas inspired by activities in their community or observations
of nature
Display a picture of a Laysan Albatross onto your board or use our example. Ask the following questions: What do birds look like? How do they move? What do they sound like? What do they eat? Where do they live?
Using a K-W-L chart (Know-Want to learn-Learned), brainstorm with your class what they know about birds and write everything in the first column. Ask what they would like to learn about birds for the second column. Leave the third column empty until after they have seen the play, this way you can come back as a class and connect these answers with the answers they learned from the performance and throughout this activity.
Using our Junior Birdwatcher worksheet, students can look up/listen to the answers using the video links below or if your students need more assistance, we have provided a fact sheet they can look through to find the answers.
Links to Youtube Videos about Laysan Albatross:
Link to a live Cornell Lab Bird Cam for a Laysan Albatross watching experience:
Once the worksheet is completed, compare their answers to the answers they came up with for the first two columns on the chart. Depending on where your class is at, you can also add any new information that was learned into the third column. Tell the class that they will discover more about Laysan Albatrosses after they see Birds of a Feather.