Jane: Who said we were going to have a date?
John: Aren’t we? Aren’t we kind of right now?
Jane: Are we?
John: Yeah, I think we are.
Big idea: To get students thinking about intention, expression and communication.
At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
Interpret how body language and physical expression can affect your intention.
Understand the differences in meaning what we say and saying what we mean.
1.1 identify the purpose of several different listening tasks and set goals for specific tasks
1.2 select and use appropriate active listening strategies when participating in a variety
of classroom interactions
2.1 communicate orally for a variety of purposes, using language appropriate for the intended
Health and Physical Education
C2.5 describe factors that influence sexual decision making, and demonstrate an understanding of how to use decision-making and communication skills effectively to support choices related to responsible and healthy sexuality
C1.3 demonstrate an understanding of how relationships develop through various stages, and describe the skills and strategies needed to maintain a satisfactory relationship as the relationship evolves (e.g., communication and interpersonal skills, adaptive and coping skills, conflict resolution strategies)
A1.3 use role play to explore, develop, and represent themes, ideas, characters, feelings, and beliefs in producing drama works
How do our facial expressions, tone of voice and body language change the way our words are perceived?
Have the students sit in a circle.
Pick a word (Start with something simple like HELLO).
Take turns going around the circle. Each student will say the word using a different tone of voice; attempting to communicate a different emotion or feeling.
Encourage the students to play with pauses, volume and tone.
Do a second round, this time using a different word (Example: Really) and this time allow students to use body movements and gestures.
Do a third round, this time using a full sentence (Example: I can’t believe you did this). Continue to encourage the use of body language, facial expression and variations in tone of voice.
Discuss with you students:
What did this activity teach you about the use of words and phrases?
How can this inform the way we communicate with each others?