The goal of this activity is for students to recognize that they are not so different from one another. This activity uses group work to assess students' understanding of one another and to increase self-awareness.
Instructional Procedures:
Note: This activity may be implemented in four different formations: students sitting at their desks, standing randomly about the room, sitting in a circle of chairs, or standing in a circle.
The teacher calls out a series of statements and, if the statement applies to them, students stand or step forward and call back, “That’s me!” Some possible examples are:
Stand if...
You were born in the summer
You have a brother
You wear glasses
You have ever won a prize
You play a musical instrument
You bought something new to wear this month
You have read any of the Harry Potter novels
You have been outside of Canada
You own a dog
Students are encouraged to notice classmates who have acknowledged the same statement as themselves, demonstrating they have something in common with them. At the end of the activity, the class might discuss the notion that everyone belongs to several different common groups, and not always with the same people.
Resources: Swartz, L. & Nyman D. (2010). Drama Schemes, Themes & Dreams: How to plan, structure, and assess classroom events that engage all learners. Pembroke Publishers: Ontario, Canada.