Objective: Use elements of drama to explore relationships and physical distance.
Materials: Open space.
Curriculum Connections (Click Here)
The distance between people in life says something about their relationship. Many people are comfortable being closer to friends than they are to acquaintances or strangers. The distance between characters onstage is one way that actors and directors communicate something about their relationship with the audience. This distance differs across cultures so interpretation may vary.
Have students form groups of two and decide on two characters to play and the relationship between them. They might be best friends, parent and child, a doctor and patient, an actor and audience member, complete strangers, etc.
Students should position themselves in a way that is influenced by the relationship between the two characters and what is going on between them.
After students have developed their tableau, have them present it in front of the class.
Ask the audience what they think the relationship between the two characters is.
After the audience has guessed, have the students on stage reveal the relationship.