Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls follows the story of 9-year-old Fiona who comes out as a boy and wants to be called Fin. Fin has always had this feeling - knowing something is different but not knowing what it was or how to say it. As Fin cuts his hair short and changes his name, his family works to understand and adjust to Fin's gender identity. Dad is accepting of the change right away, but Mom doesn’t quite get it at first. Always from a place of good intentions, we see Fin’s family struggle with this change and through the course of the play ultimately begin to accept and embrace Fin for who he is.
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Note: This study guide is still in DRAFT/TEST form. We are still hard at work improving, expanding, formatting and distilling these materials. Daily updates, edits and changes will occur. Feedback, comments and questions can be sent to Thank you for your understanding and patience.
We are working to upload the following content to this section. If you do not see a link yet, it is coming soon…
A campaign and website designed to encourage straight and cisgender youth to stand up against homophobia and transphobia and better support their LGBTQ friends and peers.
Backwards Day by S. Bear Bergman
Andrea lives on the planet Tenalp, where one day a year, everything is backwards.
One backwards day, Andrea turns into a boy and stays that way.
The Boy and the Bindi by Vivek Shraya
A young Indian boy is fascinated by his mother’s bindi. She teaches him about its
cultural significance and allows him to wear one himself.
Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress by Christine Baldacchino
Morris loves the tangerine dress in his classroom’s dress-up centre, but the other children don’t understand. Everything changes when Morris paints a fantastic picture and takes it to school.
Transphobia: Deal with it and be a gender transcender by j wallace skelton
10, 000 Dresses by Marcus Ewert
Bailey dreams about magical dresses. Bailey meets a new friend and they make
dresses together, and Bailey becomes the girl she always dreamed she would be.
From the Stars in the Sky to the Fish in the Sea by Kai Cheng Thom
This is a story of a magical gender variant child who transforms the world around them with the help of their mother’s love.
Kids Help Phone is a toll-free, 24-hour, bilingual and anonymous phone counselling, web counselling and referral service for children and youth in Canada.
The Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youth Line is a toll-free service provided by youth for LGBTQ youth in Ontario.
Trans Lifeline is a free hotline staffed by transgender people for transgender people.
Youthspace chat is an online help service for young people answered by a community of professionally-trained
volunteers and staff who are here to listen without judgement and offer support.
A Guide to Gender: The Social Justice Advocate’s Handbook by Sam Killerman
A clearly-written book to help readers expand their understanding of gender and
learn about it in the context of oppression and privilege.
Stuck in the Middle with You: A Memoir of Parenting in Three Genders by Jennifer Finney Boylan
A memoir about gender and parenting from a parent who transitioned when her children were young and has been a father, a mother, and both.
Study Guide created by Roseneath Theatre 2018
Study Guide Co-Authors
Lee Iskander is a certified teacher and a Masters of Education candidate at York University. Lee works with LGBTQ youth in various capacities and delivers talks and workshops on topics including youth activism and supporting trans youth. Lee is the recipient of the John Damien Award for Outstanding Activism and the Inspire Awards' LGBTQ Youth of the Year, and they were the Youth Grand Marshal for Pride Toronto in 2011. Their current research explores the workplace experiences of transgender and gender non-conforming teachers.
Arthur Burrows develops units for students on topics including Gender and Drag and works to bring the plays of underrepresented artists into classrooms. He supports fellow teachers as Publications Chair for the Council of Ontario Drama and Dance Educators and supports student theatre as an adjudicator for the NTS Ontario Drama Festival. Arthur holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting from the University of Windsor and a Bachelor of Education from York University where he is a Master of Education student.
Curriculum Research:
Brittany Kay
Additional Support:
Andrew Lamb
Gretel Meyer Odell
j.wallace skelton
Rogue Witterick
AJ Dissanayake